RMF Oxford is a movement determined to decolonise the institutional structures and physical space in Oxford and beyond. It is part of the international Rhodes Must Fall movement that interrogates educational systems and their often non-committal and inconclusive approach to anti-racism. They seek to challenge the structures of knowledge production that continue to mould a colonial mindset that dominates our present. RMF Oxford believes in the co-production of knowledge by democratising conversations which have been taken away from the communities who have a stake in them.

NKG’s head of operations, Raphael, hit the ground running with RMFOxford in 2020 during the height of the summer protests after the murder of George Floyd, participating in the RMF protest in oxford by providing social media management and a live social media response strategy as the day’s events unfolded. As well as offering short term strategic support on the ground we continued to support the group there after with communication and operations within the global RMF movement.

