Exist Loudly

Exist Loudly is a new charity that launched in September 2020 that supports Queer Black Youth. There are a number of organisations that support LGBTQ people, young people, and Black people, but few are designed to support the needs of those who sit at the intersection of blackness and queer identity. The organisation runs digital and online workshops and talks for Queer Black Young people and pays queer black people to facilitate said workshops as well as providing the community with a space for joy, a space to find chosen family and a space to explore their identity.

We offered our services to Tanya Compas, founder and director of Exist Loudly, pro bono during the re-eruption of the #BLM movement in Summer 2020. This partnership produced an initial summary findings report, detailing the experiences of queer and trans Black young people in the UK based on an anonymous survey we designed and executed. This process opened numerous questions that required more extensive research and resources. In January 2021 Exist Loudly hired NKG to carry out a longer term strategic research project. This project centres queer and trans Black youth; we are interested in really getting to the heart of what is failing, why, and how to both remedy and redress these issues, on a deep, systemic level. This work values the time and data of its participants with remuneration, finally, it is reviewed by its community, and shaped by those it seeks to serve.


Local Equality Commission